Frequently Asked Questions


Is OnePick A website?

OnePick is a downloadable app that you can download on your phone or tablet and access the diverse community of like-minded people helping each other make faster decisions.

How can I make an account?

Sign up with your accurate details, and you are good to go. Contribute with your meaningful insights and help everyone around you.

Do I have to buy the Mobile App?

OnePick is a free Mobile App, available on android and ios for all users around the world without any restriction.


How current is the account information I see in the Mobile App?

All information related to your or your friend’s picks is shown in real-time in order for you to always have up to date content. Indefinite picks might come up to your feed after 24h if you have not picked yet. It is important to note that in order to see up to date content you need to refresh your page and not leave your mobile app open for an extended period of time.

Can I use the information from the Data studio for my company?

As a business you can request access to a business account in which you will have a more detailed Data studio.

Can I make ads on Onepick?

OnePick has got you covered, you can post ads, sponsor posts, and promote picks, through an easy, secure process.